supporting electrolyte

英 [səˈpɔːtɪŋ ɪˈlektrəlaɪt] 美 [səˈpɔːrtɪŋ ɪˈlektrəlaɪt]

网络  支持电解质; 支撑电解质; 电镀液; 支持电解液; 非水溶液加盐类



  1. The influences of anode material and supporting electrolyte and proton exchange membrane on amount and current efficiency of electrochemically generated ozone were reviewed emphatically.
  2. Theelectrolytic desulfurization behavior of Guizhou Liuzhi high sulfur coal has been investigated in water methanol using sodium bydroxid as supporting electrolyte.
  3. In a supporting electrolyte containing 2% H_2SO_4 · 0.0024% bromopyrogallol red and 0.0012% Cu~ ( 2+), we obtained a sensitive absorptive complex wave of the antimony.
  4. The results show that on polyaniline electrode, the DMcT/ PAn adduct can be formed in the solution containing both supporting electrolyte and saturated DMcT, and the isolation of the anodic and cathodic peak potential is obviously smaller than that on bare electrode.
  5. Meanwhile the supporting electrolyte, i.e. tetraethylammonium is decomposed to chloroethane and ethylamine, so the supporting electrolyte should be improved in future.
  6. Effect of four organic acids on Cu desorption in contaminated soil and the medium conditions ( such as pH value, supporting electrolyte) was studied.
  7. In the presence of Au(ⅲ) and Cu(ⅱ), 1.2M HClO_4 was used as a supporting electrolyte. Anodic stripping voltammetry at a glassy carbon electrode for the quantitative determination of As(ⅲ) and the total inorganic arsenic in HCL and industrial waste water has been proposed.
  8. Single Sweep Oscillopolarography of Meloxicam in HCl Supporting Electrolyte
  9. It is titrated with standard solution KOH in KCI supporting electrolyte.
  10. The voltammetric characteristics of the electrode are studied by cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry, respectively. A supporting electrolyte system containing Eosin was proposed.
  11. In an electrochemical reactor using Pt as anode, graphite as cathode and Na_ 2 SO_ 4 as supporting electrolyte, the in situ generation of H_ 2 O_ 2 electrochemically was investigated.
  12. In the polarographic determination of zinc, a supporting electrolyte composed of 1N ( NH_4)_2 SO_4 and 0.6N NH_4OH can be used.
  13. Titration was used to study the surface acid-base characteristics of a Chinese loess sample at different concentrations of supporting electrolyte.
  14. The aging mechanism of the supporting electrolyte solution is analyzed for determining the effect of solvent components on the electrical properties of the polymer films.
  15. The main influencing factors of the H2O2 in situ generation, including current density, oxygen flow, concentration of supporting electrolyte and electrode distance, had been examined and analyzed in this work.
  16. Determination of micro-amount of lead in toothpaste by differential anodic stripping voltammetry has been proposed. The effect of supporting electrolyte, deposition potential and deposition time is discussed.
  17. The screen printed three-electrode system has been used to determine trace amount of copper by 2nd order derivative anodic stripping voltammetry, in the supporting electrolyte composed of chloride, citric and ascorbic acid.
  18. The polarographic catalytic behaviour of uranium HTTA, conditions of supporting electrolyte and the reaction mechanism have also been studied.
  19. Anion exchange resin separation determination of lead in copper ores with square-wave polarographic method in supporting electrolyte of hydrochloric acid
  20. In an H type of electrolytic cell, with benzene as the starting material, H_2SO_4 as the supporting electrolyte, PbO_2 as the anode material, graphite as the cathode material, para quinone was synthesized by means of the direct electrooxidation technique.
  21. This paper deals with electrochemical synthetic polypyrrole ( PPY) fims prepared by utilizing supporting electrolyte of sodium p_ toluenesulfonate in aqueous solution on stainless steel electrodes.
  22. Further, the influence of supporting electrolyte, pH, scan rate, accumulation potential and accumulation time was examined on the electrochemical response of uric acid. After obtaining the optimized parameters, a highly sensitive and convenient electrochemical method was established for the determination of uric acid.
  23. Ionic liquid plays a dual role of green solvent and NHCs precursor in the reaction process, avoiding the use of toxic volatile organic solvent and supporting electrolyte.
  24. In the field of electroanalysis, the applications of IL generally focus on as an alternative solvents or supporting electrolyte, and the electrode modified material in application of biosensors and biocatalysis.
  25. It provided a new method to low concentration of supporting electrolyte or no supporting electrolyte solution system, and provided effective help to liquid/ liquid interface of the charge transfer process of selecting suitable viscosity of ionic liquids.
  26. The electrochemistry results showed that the response of AChE/ Nafion/ PB/ GCE for the carbaryl pesticide depended strongly on the amount of AChE adsorbed on electrode, the deposited time of PB, the amount of Nafion and pH of the supporting electrolyte solution.